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Readmission Requirements

Former USC students that have missed a Fall or Spring semester must follow the requirements for readmission listed below.


  • Apply Online or Print out and complete the USC Sumter Re-Admit Form [pdf].
    Once complete, sign and return the application, along with a non-refundable $10 application fee, to:

    USC Sumter
    Admissions Office
    200 Miller Road
    Sumter, SC 29150-2498

An application for readmission must be submitted by any former student wishing to return to the University after missing a major (fall or spring) semester. Students who leave the University in good standing, miss one or more major semesters, and attend another institution while away must submit official transcripts of all college-level work attempted during their absence from the University.

Students who leave the University on suspension must apply for readmission upon completion of the period of suspension. To attempt to return to the University prior to the completion of the suspension period requires an application for readmission and a petition for reinstatement if a major semester has been missed; or a petition for reinstatement if the attempt is being made after notification of suspension but prior to missing a major semester.

Students who attend another college-level institution while suspended from the University must maintain a satisfactory average if they wish to be readmitted to the University. The University does not transfer credit earned during a period of suspension, but the quality of grades earned during this period could affect the decision on readmission.