Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may satisfy the writing requirement with permission of the instructor.
- Advanced Family Law (3-hour-option) *
- Advanced Issues in Statutory Interpretation (3-hour-option) *
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Gender-Based Violence Seminar (3-hour-option) *
- Juvenile Justice (3-hour option) *
- Legal Writing, Analysis, and Research III (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Regulating Gender Sexuality (3-hour option) *
- Restitution and Unjust Enrichment (3-hour option) *
- Seminar on Comparative Inequality
- Wrongful Convictions Seminar (3-hour option)*
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Bioethics Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Climate Change Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Disability Law in the Workplace(3-hour option) *
- Feminist Legal Theory
- International Environmental Law (3-hour option) *
- International Trade Law (3-hour option) *
- Legal Writing for the Courts (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Public Benefits Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Regulation of Vice (3-hour option) *
- Reproductive Rights and Justice Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Social Impact of Business Activity (3-hour option)*
- The Reconstruction Constitution (3-hour option)*
- Legal Writing for the Courts (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Advanced Family Law (3-hour-option) *
- Advanced Issues in Statutory Interpretation (3-hour-option) *
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Artificial Intelligence, Law, Ethics, and Policy (3-hour-option) *
- Beach Law Seminar
- Free Speech & Democratic Theory Seminar (3-hour option) *
- International Environmental Law (3-hour option) *
- Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing III (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Juvenile Justice Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Regulating Gender and Sexuality (3-hour Option) *
- Restitution of Unjust Enrichment (3-hour option) *
- Seminar on Comparative Inequality
- State and Local Tax (3-hour option) *
- Technology Law: Law of the Newly Possible (3-hour option) *
- The Future of the Legal Profession
- Wrongful Convictions Seminar (3-hour option)
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Bioethics Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Climate Change Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Disability Law (3-hour option) *
- Environmental Law of SC
- Law and Political Economy (3-hour option) *
- Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing III (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Legal Writing for the Courts (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Reproductive Rights and Justice Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Russian Law and Legal System
- Tax Policy Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- ADR in Employment Law (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Advanced Family Law (3-hour-option) *
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Current Topics in Professional Responsibility (3-hour option) *
- Federal Indian Law (3-hour option) *
- Free Speech & Democratic Theory Seminar (3-hour option) *
- International Trade Law (3-hour option) *
- Juvenile Justice Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Legal Writing for the Courts (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Regulation of Vice (3-hour option) *
- Seminar on Comparative Inequality
- Tax Policy Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Technology Law: Law of the Newly Possible (3-hour option) *
- Wrongful Convictions Seminar (3-hour option)
- Advanced Legal Writing (either writing requirement or experiential, but not both)
- Bioethics Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Climate Change Seminar (3-hour option) *
- Disability Law (3-hour option) *
- International Environmental Law (3-hour option) *
- Russian Law and Legal System
- Social Impact of Business Activity (3-hour option)*
- Use of Force, Sanctions & Tech Transfer Law (3-hour option)*