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College of Social Work


    teri browne

    Teri Browne, Ph.D., MSW, Dean


    ben roth

    Benjamin Roth, Ph.D., MSW, Associate Dean for Curriculum


    brandi anderson

    Director of Innovative ACCESS and Director of the Newman Institute


    aidyn iacini

    Aidyn Iachini, PhD., MSW, LSW, Associate Dean for Faculty and Research


    felissa moore

    Felissa Carter-Moore, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration


    sonya singleton

    Sonya Singleton, Assistant Dean for Students


    avril lail

    Avril Lail, Interim Director of Field Education


    victoria montgomery

    Victoria Montgomery, MMC, Assistant Dean of External Affairs


    mike ottone

    Michael Ottone, LISW-CP, CPM Senior Instructor Coordinator, Combination Degree Programs and Non-Credit Continuing Education Courses Interim Undergraduate Program Director/Lecturer


    steven cote

    Steven Cote, Director of Enrollment


    rhonda dinovo

    Rhonda DiNovo, LMSW Assistant Professor / MSW Program Coordinator Coordinator, Graduate Certificate in Drug and Addiction Studies; and Continuing Education in Psychodiagnostics, Psychopathology and Ethics


    margriet wright

    Margriet de Zeeuw Wright, MSW Charleston Site Coordinator, Interim Associate Director for the Online MSW Program


    candice morgan

    Candice Morgan, MSW Greenville Site Coordinator


    ja-nae epps

    Ja-Nae Epps, MASCL, Development and Alumni Relations


    kristen seay

    Kristen Seay, Ph.D., MSW, PhD Program Director


    mike ottone

    Michael Ottone, LISW-CP, CPM Senior Instructor Coordinator, Combination Degree Programs and Non-Credit Continuing Education Courses


    nikki wooten

    Nikki Wooten, PhD, LISW-CP Associate Professor Coordinator, Social and Behavioral Health with Military Members, Veterans and Military Families Certificate program


    stephanie white

    Stephanie W. White, Senior Director of Development







    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
