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Research and Grant Development Services

Research and Grant Development Services

2024 RISE Recipients

The Office of the Vice President for Research is very pleased to recognize the 2024 RISE recipients from the University of South Carolina system campuses and online bachelor's degree completion programs.

RISE, a competitive funding program, provides financial support for faculty working at USC's system campuses and online bachelor's degree completion programs to conduct research and scholarly activities during the summer months. The four-year campus RISE awards are funded in collaboration with the chancellors at USC Aiken, USC Beaufort and USC Upstate. 

2024 Palmetto College Campus RISE Recipients

Recipient Name College
Aghasafari, Sahar Lancaster
Bellanca, Mary Ellen Sumter
Burns, Francis Marion Salkehatchie
Gerald, Amy Lancaster
Judge, Christopher Lancaster
Kunka, Andrew James Sumter


2024 Comprehensive Institution RISE Recipients

Recipient Name College
D'Antonio, Edward
  • Co-PI: Montie, Eric
Davis, Daniel Jonathan Upstate
Davis, Kara L Upstate
Egbue, Ona Upstate
Haratine, Timothy Parker Aiken
Hernandez-Laroche, Araceli Upstate
Lahar, Cindy J. Beaufort
McCormick, Robert B. Upstate
McCraw, Benjamin William Upstate
Miller, Matthew L. Aiken
Miller, Neil Eugene Aiken
Mills, Mary K. Aiken
Odhiambo, Calvin Upstate
Pazda, Adam Aiken
Placek, Matthew Upstate
Saracino, Patrick George Upstate
Shehi Herr, Monika Upstate
Skees, Murray W Beaufort
Smith, Olivia Katherine Aiken
Stolz, Nolan Upstate
Swain, Laura Aiken
Wade, Julie Upstate
Zhong, Wei Upstate



Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
