Faculty and Staff
David Lee Cherry, Sr.
Title: | Instructor |
Department: | Business USC Salkehatchie |
Email: | cherrydl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Phone: | 843-812-6966 |
LinkedIn: | My LinkedIn profile |

The University of Georgia
Master of Business Administration (MBA), concentration: Corporate Finance
1984 – 1986
The University of Georgia
Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources, concentration: Timber Management
1979 – 1984
Commissioners of Pilotage, Port of Port Royal, South Carolina
2001-2003 Chairman
1997-2001 Commissioner
appointed by Governors Beasley, Hodges, and Sanford as a representative of the Beaufort
County maritime community.
Courses Taught
MKTG 350 - Principles of Marketing
ECON 221 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 222 - Principles of Microeconomics
Work Experience
Economics and Marketing Instructor
University of South Carolina Salkehatchie
Sept. 2014 – Present
Full-time Instructor of Marketing, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.
Faculty Division Chair (Professional Studies) at USC- Salkehatchie (2019-2021)
Palmetto College Faculty Senator. 2018-2020
"Professor of the Year"- Student Government Association - USC-Salkehatchie (2018-2019)
Export Sales and Marketing Consultant
Clients include: Savannah Wood Preserving, IFP, Exley Lumber and other exporters
Jan. 2014 – Present
Business development of Southern Yellow Pine customers in Caribbean, Central and South
American markets for US exporters with focus on sales of heavy retention Pressure
Treated SYP products.
Eastern Regional and International Sales Manager
Pennington Crossarm Company
Dec 2007 – Jul 2014
Sales of treated wood products to utility customers in the Eastern US and international
Evans Lumber Company, Inc.
Sep 2003 – Dec 2007
Manufacturer of Southern Yellow Pine poles, piling, timbers, lumber, boards, and decking.
President and General Manager
The Port Republic Company, LLC
Dec 2000 – Dec 2007
Manufacturer and wholesaler of Southern Yellow Pine plywood, poles, piling, timbers,
and lumber.
Eastern Regional and International Sales
Cox Industries, Inc.
1998 – 2001
Sales of pressure treated wood products to utility customers and wholesale distributors
in the Eastern US and international markets
Southeastern Regional and International Sales Manager
Atlantic Wood Industries, Inc.
Mar 1993 – Oct 1998
Sales of pressure treated (creosote, CCA and pentachlorophenol) wood products to utility
customers and wholesale distributors in the Eastern US and international markets (FL,
GA, SC, NC sales domestically – Canada, Central /South America, North Africa/Middle
East, Europe and Caribbean markets internationally)