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College of Arts and Sciences


Merrie Koester

Title: Director STEAM, Project Draw for Science, Kids Teaching Flood Resilience
Department: Center for Science Education
College of Arts and Sciences
Resources: Website

Dr. Merrie Koester is a veteran science teacher and educational researcher, specializing in youth-based participatory action research. Her work is focused on building practice partnerships between higher education, schools, community programs, and civic leaders to achieve high impact forms of science literacy.   Since 2016, Dr. Koester has directed a community outreach effort called Kids Teaching Flood Resilience, which positions youth in flood-prone communities as resources of knowledge and flood resilience.

Specializing in arts-based science pedagogies, Dr. Koester facilitates a wide array of STEAM professional development training and is the author of a series of science education novels and curriculum for middle grade readers. Her text, Science Teachers Who Draw: The Red Is Always There, narrates the journey of five science teachers who explored with their students and Dr. Koester the theory and practice of teaching science through drawing and visual thinking.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
