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South Carolina Honors College

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Where to Give

With a donation to the South Carolina Honors College, you can further the cause that most inspires you. Give to the Carolina Fund to provide SCHC-wide support to the most pressing needs in the college, or donate to the fund where you'd like to make an impact. Support ground-breaking research, provide funds for special Honors initiatives or select one of the many other options that will support our students' Honors experience. 

Our Priority Funds

You may designate your gift to any of the Honors College funds described below. When you give online, you will have an opportunity to specify what you would like to support. 

Each of these funds currently supports students in the South Carolina Honors College.

Additional Funds

Our Undergraduate Research Fellowships provide funding for Honors College students participating in research under the guidance of USC faculty members. 

The James L. Stiver Scholarship Fund is for students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity and shows exemplary academic success.

Through the South Carolina Honors College Endowment, donors can provide scholarships to support out-of-state students that awarded annually to those who have received no other scholarship support from the university.

Support the internship program in the South Carolina Honors College, including student preparation activities, printed materials, student scholarships or stipends, etc.

In honor of our college's founding deans, this scholarship is for current Honors College students who receive little or no other financial aid. Give to the William Mould and Peter Sederberg Scholarship Fund

The Carolina and McNair Scholars Support Fund provides support for special programs and activities for Top Scholars to support their undergraduate experience at Carolina.

This scholarship was established to honor Dr. William A. Mould’s vision, campus leadership and perseverance which led to the creation of the South Carolina College, eventually named the South Carolina Honors College. He led the South Carolina College and later served as Dean from 1979 to 1994.

The scholarship will be awarded to South Carolina Honors College students who have demonstrated financial needs and who have exceptional academic potential. Preference shall be for members of underrepresented student populations who have been accepted for admission or who are currently enrolled at the University.

The William A. Mould Endowed Scholarship Fund provides support for an international or high yield student at the Honors College.

This scholarship was established to honor Dr. Peter C. Sederberg  and his 36 year commitment to the University of South Carolina where he spent almost 30 of them creating and building the South Carolina Honors College. Serving as dean for a decade, his devotion to the Honors College was unparalleled.

The Honors College strives to offer outstanding academic opportunity to a diverse student body. Our commitment to diversity is founded in the idea that intellectual, social and cultural diversity are essential components of the educational process. As part of our efforts to create a diverse student body, the Peter C. Sederberg Endowed Scholarship was created. 

This support fund provides student enrichment activities, support for recruiting efforts, alumni activities and student scholarships related to the Washington Semester Internship Program.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
