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Darla Moore School of Business


Chad Stefaniak

Title: Professor
Department: School of Accounting
Darla Moore School of Business
Phone: 803-777-7408
Office: Darla Moore School of Business, Room 424
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [PDF]
Chad Stefaniak Headshot


Stefaniak joined the faculty of the University of South Carolina in the fall of 2016. He previously served as the School of Accounting department chair for his alma mater, Central Michigan University. His teaching interests and experience include both auditing and accounting information systems. His research focuses on examining the judgments and decisions made by auditors, specifically improving audit quality, auditor ethics and auditor-client negotiations. He has published research manuscripts in various journals, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizons and Behavioral Research in Accounting. His research has been covered by the popular press (e.g., The Huffington Post and Agenda Week) and has led to opportunities to provide expert witness testimony.

Stefaniak received his B.S.B.A. from Central Michigan University (2002), and his MACC (2003) and Ph.D. (2009) from the University of Alabama. He is also a licensed certified public accountant in the state of Michigan.


His research interests include audit quality, audit judgment and decision-making, and nonprofessional investor perceptions.


Ph.D., Accounting, University of Alabama, 2009
MACC, University of Alabama, 2003
B.S.B.A., Accounting, Central Michigan University, 2002

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