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College of Nursing

Faculty and Staff

Joynelle Rivers Jackson, EdD, MSN, RNC-MNN

Title: Associate Professor
College of Nursing
Phone: 803-777-2806
Fax: 803-777-0550

College of Nursing
University of South Carolina
1601 Greene Street, Room 512 
Columbia, SC 29208-4001
United States

Joy Rivers


Dr. Jackson's educational background includes a Doctorate in Education from the University of South Carolina in May 2012. 
Her major area of focus for this degree was in Curriculum and Instruction. She completed her Masters in Nursing from the Medical University of South Carolina with a focus in Nursing Education in May 2007.   Her BSN is from the University of South Carolina in May 2003. In addition, Dr. Rivers holds the following certification: NCC Certification-Maternal/Newborn Nursing.


Dr. Jackson’s teaching is primarily in the undergraduate program in the traditional classroom and in the online environment.  Her teaching focuses primarily on upper division undergraduate students and students in the Online RN BSN program.


  • Technology and Education
  • Mentoring undergraduate student research
  • Breastfeeding in African American women 

Dr. Jackson works diligently to introduce and encourage undergraduate students to become involved in research.  She works with traditional undergraduate students on grant funding through Magellan scholarships as well as Honors College students on their senior thesis. 


Presentations & Publications

Felder, T & Jackson, J.R.  (2017, June).  Mocha Mamas Milk:  Exploring African American Mom’s Experiences with Feeding their New Babies.  Presented at the Palmetto Health Clinical Research Forum on July 13, 2017, Columbia, SC. 

Felder, T & Rivers, J.L.* (2016, April).  Mocha Mamas Milk:  Exploring African American Mom’s Experiences with Feeding their New Babies.  Presented at the Institute of African American Studies Seminar on April 6, 2016, Columbia, SC. 

Felder, T. & Rivers, J.L.* (2015, September). A Pilot Investigation of Infant Feeding Preferences and Attitudes Toward Breastfeeding Among Pregnant African American Women.  Presented at the AHEC Thirteenth Annual Research                     Symposium on September 25, 2015, Greenville, SC. 

Felder, T. & Rivers, J.L.*  (2015, August).  Promoting Black Breastfeeding Week. Presented at the Learn at Lunch Seminar Series-University of South Carolina Healthy Carolina Lactation Support Initiative on August, 26, 2015, Columbia, SC. 

Rivers, J. L. (2012). Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit: Mind and Body. Stress.Richland County Public Library on March 20, 2012.    

Rivers, J. L. (2011). A Call to Leadership Action: Leading Change and Advancing Health in South Carolina. Amy V. Cockcroft Leadership Summit. SC Hospital Association, March 26, 2011.

Hickey, P. & Rivers, J. (2010). Innovative Learning Fostered Through Wiki Development. Oktoberbest: A Celebration of Teaching Excellence. University of South Carolina, October, 1, 2010.

Rivers, J. L. (2010). Holiday Blues. The Health and Wellness Connection: Mt. Carmel A.M.E. Church Health Commission Newsletter, 1(3).

*Maiden Name

Professional Service

  • 2008-present--National League for Nursing Member
  • 2009-present--American Nurses Association
  • 2002-2003--Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Member
  • 2010-present--Beta Sponsor, elected 2010
  • 2011-present--International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Member
  • 2012-present--Sigma Theta Tau International Member
  • Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc., Member
  • Sigma Theta Tau International, Member

Professional Practice

  • 2007-2010--Midlands Technical College Adjunct Faculty, OB Clinical Rotation
  • 2004-2012--Palmetto Health Richland OB/GYN Staff Nurse, Women’s Services

Research Studies (Selected)

Reducing disparities, Reducing Risks: Promoting breastfeeding among African American women. Institute for African American Research, University of South Carolina - $2,500. 2014-2015. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI: Felder). 

Education on the Go:  Usability Testing of Mobile Technology to Promote Breastfeeding among African American women.  University of South Carolina- $10,000.  2017-2018. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI:  Felder).

NCSBN National Multi-Site Simulation Study. Explores the role and outcomes of simulation in pre-licensure clinical nursing education. 2010.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
