Spring Ongoing Training now open!
This Teacher PD will be held at Swearingen Engineering Center located at 301 Main Street, Columbia. 9am -3pm on Friday, March 14. Breakout sessions will be:
9: 30 a.m.: PLTW Gateway collaboration, PLTW Computer Science Pathway, PLTW Engineering Pathway, Siemens
10:45 a.m.: Robotics Classroom games and competitions, Drones, What’s new with VEX, 3d Printing authentic applications for the classroom
12:30 p.m.: Build your Community partner network, career readiness, blended learning- combing disciplines, Showcasing MCEC
1:45 p.m.: Hot top for VEX, eSports, Machine Learning for “dummies”, VEX robotics: sensors and conditional logic