Faculty |
Allen, Emily Ruth |
Instructor of Music / Institute for Southern Studies / Music History |
803-777-6565 |
erallen@sc.edu |
School of Music, Institute for Southern Studies |
Faculty |
Anderson, Hassan |
Assistant Professor / Oboe |
Coordinator of Teaching Artistry |
803-576-7900 |
HA16@mailbox.sc.edu |
Oboe, teaching artistry |
Faculty |
Armstrong, Dominic |
Assistant Professor / Voice |
803-576-7335 |
da13@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Bain, Reginald |
Professor / Composition and Theory / Director of the Experimental Computer Music Studio (xMUSE) |
803-777-8183 |
rbain@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Baker, David |
Instructor of Music Industry Studies |
dtbaker@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Barnes, Gail V. |
Professor / Music Education |
803-777-3389 |
gbarnes@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Bates, William |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
wbates@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Bauer, John |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
colehagan349@gmail.com |
Staff |
Baumgarner, Jesse D. |
Building Services |
803-777-7500 |
JB227@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center, building services |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Berg, Christopher |
Carolina Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
cberg@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Borders, Steve |
Technical Director |
803-730-7966 |
smborder@mailbox.sc.edu |
engineer, sound design, technical director |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Bryant, Claire |
Assistant Professor / Cello |
646-823-6761 |
CTBRYANT@mailbox.sc.edu |
Claire Bryant, cello |
Staff |
Burney, Connor |
Administrative Assistant to Bands |
Assistant House Manager / Koger Center |
803-777-4278 |
connorburney@sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Bush, Phillip |
Professor / Piano / Chamber Music |
803-777-5922 |
pbush@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Butterfield, Craig |
Professor / Double Bass |
803-777-4324 |
cbutterfield@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Calderon, Nino |
Facilities Manager |
803-777-6776 |
calderor@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts, building services |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Calloway, Rachel |
Assistant Professor / Voice |
Director of Spark: Carolina's Leadership Laboratory |
803-777-6006 |
rcalloway@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Cannon, Cormac |
Associate Professor |
Director of Bands |
803-777-4278 |
cormac@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Carey Bigony, Jillian |
Academic Advisor/ Undergraduate Students |
803-777-5651 |
jcarey@mozart.sc.edu |
advisor, music advisor, undergraduate advising |
Faculty |
Carrico, Alexandria |
Assistant Professor / Musicology and Ethnomusicology / Music History |
803-576-1607 |
acarrico@mailbox.sc.edu |
Music History |
Music History |
Faculty |
Christie, Laury |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
lchristie@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Clark, Colleen |
Assistant Professor / Jazz Studies |
803-576-7746 |
ColleenBClark@sc.edu |
Jazz, Drums |
Faculty |
Creedle, Emily |
Director of the KinderFlute Columbia |
Carolina Music Studios |
Staff |
Crovatt-Bagwell, Marlena D. |
Marketing Director |
803-777-7962 |
crovattb@mailbox.sc.edu |
Crovartt-Bagwell, Marlena D. Bagwell |
School of Music |
Faculty |
Curry, Jerry |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
jcurrysc@gmail.com |
Faculty |
Cutler, David |
Distinguished Professor / Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
803-777-8361 |
dcutler@mozart.sc.edu |
Innovation, entrepreneurship |
Faculty |
Davis, Ronald |
Professor / Tuba-Euphonium |
803-777-6059 |
rdavis@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Douglas, Samuel O. |
Emeritus |
sdouglas@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Earp, Caroline |
Director of Alumni & Donor Engagement |
Executive Director, Southeastern Piano Festival |
803-576-5763 |
EARPC@mailbox.sc.edu |
Development |
Faculty |
Eller, Joseph |
Professor / Clarinet |
803-777-4728 |
jeller@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Emerson, Ashley |
Vocal Instructor |
803-777-4006 |
ashleyemerson@sc.edu |
Spark, vocal department, applied instruction |
Staff |
Felder, Johnnie J. |
Instructor of Voice |
803-777-0772 |
Felderjj@sc.edu |
Staff |
Fife, Alexandra |
Administrative Coordinator to Bands |
803-777-4278 |
afife@mozart.sc.edu |
Bands |
Faculty |
Fink, Matthew |
Instructor / Music Theory |
803-777-1872 |
fink0mw@gmail.com |
Music Theory |
Staff |
Francis, Jeff B. |
Recording Engineer |
adjunct faculty |
803-576-5639 |
jbfrancis@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Fugo, Charles L. |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
803-777-7374 |
cfugo@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Garner, David Kirkland |
Associate Professor / Composition and Theory |
803-777-8365 |
dgarner@mozart.sc.edu |
David Kirkland Garner, composition, theory |
Staff |
Gibson, Laveta |
Executive Assistant to the Dean |
803-777-4336 |
lgibson@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Gibson, Michael |
Facilities Supervisor |
803-777-4279 |
gibsonmo@mailbox.sc.edu |
facilities |
Faculty |
Glass, Jabarie |
Assistant Professor/Associate Director of Choral Studies |
803-576-7617 |
Jabarie Glass |
Choral Studies |
Faculty |
Goodwin, Gordon (Dick) |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
51fortepiano@gmail.com |
Faculty |
Gowan, Andrew |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
agowan@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Graham, R. Douglas |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Clarinet |
dgclar@yahoo.com |
Faculty |
Gray, Donald |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
dgray@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Grgić, Mak |
Assistant Professor of Guitar |
803-576-7894 |
grgic@sc.edu |
Mak Grgic, guitar, guitarist |
Guitar |
Staff |
Guinn, Ariel |
Production Stage Manager |
803-777-9749 |
guinna@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts, stage manager |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Haché, Michelle |
Instructor / Musical Theatre |
803-576-7743 |
MHache@mailbox.sc.edu |
Musical Theatre |
Staff |
Hair, Traci |
Student Services Coordinator / Graduate Studies |
803-777-4106 |
thair@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hall, Jim |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
803-622-4035 |
jhall1039@gmail.com |
Faculty |
Hara, Kunio |
Associate Professor / Music History |
803-777-2042 |
khara@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Harding, Tayloe |
Dean |
803-777-4336 |
tharding@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Harley, Michael |
Professor / Bassoon |
803-777-4421 |
mharley@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hawkins, Patrick |
Instructor / Organ |
patrickhawkins@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Herring, Scott |
Professor / Percussion |
803-777-2155 |
sherring@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hill-LaRoche, Serena |
Assistant Professor / Voice |
Director of Carolina Music Studios (CMS) |
803-777-4026 |
shilllaroche@mozart.sc.edu |
voice |
Faculty |
Hopkins, Janet |
Emeritus Associate Professor |
803-777-0772 |
jhopkins@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Hubbert, Julie |
LaDare Robinson Memorial Professor of Music |
Professor, Music; Film & Media Studies / Music History |
803-777-3214 |
jhubbert@mozart.sc.edu |
music history, Music History |
Staff |
Jablonski, Jennifer |
Assistant Dean / Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications |
803-777-6614 |
jjablonski@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Jacobs, Aletha |
Adjunct Instructor / Jazz |
Director of Carolina Alive |
803-777-1872 |
ajacobs@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Jacobs, Jay |
Associate Professor |
Associate Director of Bands / Director of Athletic Bands |
803-777-4278 |
J.Jacobs@sc.edu |
Bands |
Faculty |
Jenkins, J. Daniel |
Professor / Music Theory |
Associate Dean and Director of Graduate Studies |
803-777-4708 |
dannyjenkins@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Jesselson, Robert |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
rjesselson@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Johnson, Birgitta |
Associate Professor / Ethnomusicology / African American Studies / Music History |
Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence |
803-777-8370 |
bjohnson@mozart.sc.edu |
music history, Music History |
Faculty |
Kompass, Lynn |
Professor / Vocal Coach |
803-777-1739 |
lkompass@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
LaRoche, Michael |
IT Support / Help Desk |
803-777-0124 |
support@mozart.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Leaman, Clifford |
Professor / Saxophone |
803-576-5893 |
cleaman@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Ligon, Bert |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
bligon@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Luehrsen, Mary |
Professor of Practice in Music Leadership and Advocacy |
luehrsen@mailbox.sc.edu |
leadership, advocacy |
Staff |
Magradey, Karen |
Assistant Director |
803-777-9781 |
magradey@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Man, Fang |
Associate Professor / Composition |
Composition Program Coordinator |
803-576-5755 |
mfang@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Martin, Brad |
Assistant Director of Development |
803-777-0704 |
brad.martin@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Meccia, Lauren |
Instructor / Jazz Studies |
803-576-7726 |
lmeccia@mozart.sc.edu |
Jazz |
Jazz |
Staff |
Mitchell, Jennifer |
Assistant Director, Music Admissions |
803-777-4281 |
jmitchell@mozart.sc.edu |
admissions |
Staff |
Moffitt, Emily |
Admin/Marketing Assistant |
803-777-9733 |
moffitte@mailbox.sc.edu |
Administration, Marketing Assistant, marketing |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Nagel, Rebecca |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
rnagel@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Olivera, Claudio |
Staff Accompanist |
cayolivera@gmail.com |
accompanist |
Staff |
Overbay, Jay |
Marketing & Communications Coordinator |
803-777-9729 |
joverbay@sc.edu |
Koger Center of the Arts |
Faculty |
Parker-Harley, Jennifer |
Professor / Flute |
803-777-4853 |
jparkerharley@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Peak, Mary |
Assistant Dean / Finance |
803-777-5418 |
peakm@mailbox.sc.edu |
business |
Staff |
Pelfrey, Barbara |
Box Office Manager |
803-777-4538 |
barbarap@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center Box Office, Koger, box office |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Polley, Jeremy |
Assistant Professor of Music Industry Studies |
803-777-8857 |
polley@email.sc.edu |
Music Industry |
Faculty |
Portnoy, Donald |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
Ira McKissick Koger Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Fine Arts |
Faculty |
Price, Scott |
Carolina Distinguished Professor of Music / Piano and Piano Pedagogy |
Coordinator of Piano Pedagogy |
803-777-1870 |
sprice@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Ramsey, Jennifer |
Assistant Box Office Manager |
803-777-9580 |
jjkinar@mailbox.sc.edu |
box office, Koger Center, Koger box office |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Staff |
Rattray, Sharon |
Staff Accompanist |
smrattray@earthlink.net |
Staff |
Richardson, Rex |
Associate Professor / Trumpet |
803-777-0785 |
RexRichardson@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Rogers, John Fitz |
Professor / Composition |
803-576-5753 |
jrogers@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Roque, Alejandra Vega |
Assistant Director / Spark: Music Leadership at Carolina |
VEGAROQA@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Roy, Omar |
Assistant Professor / Piano and Piano Pedagogy |
Coordinator of Group Piano |
803-576-7733 |
ORoy@email.sc.edu |
Piano, piano pedagogy |
Faculty |
Schlaefer, Ellen Douglas |
Professor / Director of Opera at USC |
Director of Opera Studies and Musical Theatre |
803-777-0058 |
eschlaefer@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Schlegel, Amanda |
Assistant Professor / Instrumental Music Education |
803-777-1793 |
aschlegel@mozart.sc.edu |
instrumental music education |
Faculty |
Seabury, Bailey |
Instructor of Percussion/Drumline Instructor |
bseabury@email.sc.edu |
Percussion |
Faculty |
Shaw, JD |
Associate Professor / Horn |
803-777-3195 |
jdshaw@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Smith, Lisa |
Administrative Assistant / Choral Studies / Opera |
803-777-5369 |
lsmith@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Stallard, Tina Milhorn |
Professor of Voice / Soprano / Associate Dean / Director of Undergraduate Studies |
803-777-0062 |
tstallard@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Streisfeld, Ari |
Associate Professor / Violin and Violin Pedagogy |
803-777-5000 |
astreisfeld@mozart.sc.edu |
violin, viola, pedagogy, ari streisfeld |
Staff |
Stroman, Briana |
Business Coordinator |
803-576-6374 |
BSTROMAN@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Stuart, Greg |
Professor / Experimental Music Performance / Music Literature / Music History |
803-777-0227 |
gstuart@mozart.sc.edu |
music history, Music History |
Faculty |
Susi, Nicholas |
Assistant Professor of Piano |
803-576-7892 |
nsusi@mailbox.sc.edu |
Nick Susi, piano, Nicholas Susi |
PIano |
Faculty |
Sweaney, Daniel |
Professor / Viola |
803-777-4114 |
dsweaney@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Terracio, Nate |
Director |
803-777-9782 |
terracio@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center, Koger Center for the Arts, performing arts, director |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Terwilliger, William |
Professor / Violin |
803-777-5702 |
wterwilliger@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Trenary, Jason |
Director of Information Technology |
803-777-5360 |
jtrenary@mozart.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Valerio, John |
Instructor / Jazz |
803-777-1872 |
jvalerio@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Valerio, Wendy H. |
Professor / Music Education |
803-777-5382 |
wvalerio@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Vaz, Audra |
Assistant Dean for Advancement |
Lead Senior Director of Development |
803-777-9732 |
audra.vaz@sc.edu |
Senior Director of Development, Assistant Dean for Advancement |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Staff |
Wade, Chip |
Marketing Director |
803-777-9778 |
wadeca@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Walker, Alicia W. |
Professor |
Director of Choral Studies |
803-777-1406 |
awalker@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Weingarth, Jeannie |
House Manager |
803-777-9728 |
jean@mailbox.sc.edu |
Koger Center for the Arts |
Faculty |
Weiss, Scott |
Sarah Bolick Smith Distinguished Professor of Music / Director of Orchestras |
803-777-6251 |
sweiss@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
White, Matt |
Associate Professor / Jazz Studies |
803-576-7793 |
mattwhite@sc.edu |
Jazz. Music |
Faculty |
Wilkinson, Michael |
Associate Professor / Trombone |
803-777-1869 |
mwilkinson@mozart.sc.edu |
trombone |
Faculty |
Will, Jacob |
Professor of Voice / Associate Dean of Administration |
803-777-1310 |
jwill@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Williams, Paul |
Director / Piano Services |
803-777-4392 |
pwilliams@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Williams, Sarah |
Professor / Music History |
803-777-1759 |
swilliams@mozart.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Wrighten, Quintus |
Instructor/ Assistant Director of Bands |
Associate Director of Athletic Bands |
803-576-7763 |
qwrighten@sc.edu |
Band, Athletic Bands |
Faculty |
Wyatt, Larry |
Distinguished Professor Emeritus |
lwyatt@mozart.sc.edu |
Staff |
Zeigler, Margee |
Student Services Coordinator / Undergraduate |
803-777-4335 |
mzeigler@mozart.sc.edu |